What to Do if Your Town Does a Revaluation and You Disagree with Your Assessment

If you receive a notice or "impact statement" from the assessor stating an increase in the market value of their property, shock, disbelief and frustration are only a few of the emotions that you feel.
After you have had time to catch your breath, we would like to help you understand what is happening and how you can find out if the increase is justified or if your property may now be excessively assessed.
Properties are assessed by what is called a Market Value. Market Value is what a property would sell for between a willing buyer and a willing seller on an open market. An assessor will group recent sales of similar types of residences to arrive at an average selling price for those types of residences. This is how an assessor calculates an assessment for your property. Read more
By Warren Leisenring Jr., a consultant for the Tax My Property Fairly website and an 11-year member of a Board of Assessment Review (BAR) in Upstate NY.