Disabilities Exemption

If your town government and school district chose to lower the property tax of qualified disabled homeowners you may qualify for a partial exemption for your legal residence.

This exemption provides a reduction of up to 50% in the assessed value of the residence of a qualified disabled person(s). The income limit it set by the municipality and may range from $3,000 to $50,000.

Your town may also offer sliding scale exemptions of less than 50 percent to persons with disabilities whose incomes are more than $50,000. Under this option, if a qualifying person’s income is below $58,400, they may receive a 5% exemption. Check with your local assessor for the income limits in your community.

Note: If you are already getting the senior citizens' exemption, you cannot also receive this exemption. If you qualify for both exemptions,  choose the one that is more beneficial.

Apply by March 1 at your town’s assessor's office. Complete Form RP-459-c. (see link below)

To continue receiving the exemption, use Form RP-459-c-Rnw each year (see link below). You must provide proof of your disability each year unless proof has previously been submitted showing that the disability is permanent.

If you have questions, contact your assessor’s office. Find your assessor here:

Forms & Instructions

See all the details on eligibility requirements here:

Information Sheet on Exemption for Persons with Disabilities and Limited Incomes


Application - Form RP-459-c

Renewal Application - Form RP-459-cRnw